Your lot is specially inclined towards society. Merely talking about society is enough for you to get excited. It is there in you that you only think how can this world be a better place to survive. You are socially influential to others. Just like how dedicated you are for the society, you want everyone to get inspire and work for the nation. Often you stay dissatisfied because of the slow process but somehow you manage to help with the situation by staying focused on the goal which will be achieved eventually. Also, you are enthusiastic in life. For instance, some people ruin things because of their true purpose but reckless actions. You might experience it but never let that excitement come in the way to your achievements.
Your outlook is different from others. While many focuses on the immediate results, you observe a bigger picture of the same. While judging someone you follow if they are good enough to contribute in the society. It has been observed that a person who belongs to life path number 9 do get unexpected money at least once in lifetime. In spite of that, you will naturally be lucky enough in the money matters.
In your case, materialism is at the least. The real source of happiness of yours is to help others by making their life better. But there is a flaw in you as well, while being dissatisfied with the results and situation, you try to find others to blame.

You are like every soldier of the nation who loves his wife too much yet had to leave her for the sake of the nation. You, undoubtedly an amazing lover but it happens that you care and prioritize your nation call over your lover. Hence you are not too dedicated to your lover. Such is the reason that you might not get a good love life.
Mars is the planet that gives you passion as well as discipline and courage to follow it. You are creative and imaginative which brings you the opportunity to work in Arts. You tend to pursue photography, crafting and the like. Since you are way too dedicated to the society, you feel the need to change the world with your work. Let’s say teacher, lawyer and somebody like that. Apparently, you attract people whom you believe can support you to grow in your field. Amid such passion and peers, the success is likely to get.
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Mars is active in your case which is why you better need to be careful while driving. Accidents and injuries would be there. Besides of it, you may also catch water-related diseases.
Overall, you are a nice guy. Considering your true empathy towards others makes you a noble person. Watching less fortunate people motivates you to work more and harder. You believe this world should be better for all of us. There is a true leadership in you. Still, you have to balance your love life too. You need to be bit more towards your loved ones. While you are not at peace with yourself, you start to wreck things. Instead of blaming others, you must learn to take responsibility of your action in such critical times.
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