Element: Earth
Date range- August 23- September 22 (Sun Sign in Western)
September 15- October 14 (Sun Sign in Indian)
Ruling Planet- Mercury
Color- Beige
Virgoan as a Person:
Virgoans or the people assigned to Virgo are rational people. If you are the one of these people, you must know that your thoughts overtake the feelings of your heart. You think what needs to be done, has to be done. You believe in doing rather than just thinking. That is what makes you successful. You are persistent so if you have set your target on something you will stop when it’s done.
Due to your Zodiac Sign being a fixed one, you are obstinate. Ironically, at the same time, you are flexible due to the Dual Sign (your symbol is a dual sign). It is easier for you to adapt in any situations. Your mind is restless that’s why overthinking often create complications. You never appreciate criticism. Even if someone points out the serious mistakes of yours, you will not like that either.

Career of a Virgoan:
You are a hard working aspirant, a rational thinker and a responsible employee; what else one needs to be to achieve a good career. Your mind is an asset to you, it is always running and exploring various topics and terms you encounter in your life. Also, you have a micro-scoping view to anything. Through this, you reach to the core of the issue. You always search to get a practical and appealing solution to the problems.
You have a great scope in areas where it demands strategy, pateince, knowledge and the right execution at accurate timing. Law, agriculture, business and stock and trades are the good career opportunity. The weed in the sign of Virgo represents fresh and pure thoughts. It helps you think differently as well as with another’s perspective as well. This will expand your mind’s horizon and you will be able to experience a world with full energy and hope.
Virgoan’s Finance:
Considering your hard-working and dedicated nature, you are a great achiever. Monetarily, you will earn enough to make your life joyous. Your calculative and passionate thought process, well-timing and dedication will strengthen your will, aura and chances to earn money. You are an adaptable personality as it was mentioned before. If you face financial crisis in your life, you will adjust to the situation and definitetly find a way out of it.
Along with being a calculative thinker, you are a calculative spender as well. When it comes to money, you know where to spend and where not to. You know what should be prioritize to buy for now. But let’s not forget that you are the category of All Work, No Play. You always tends to get things that will be in your use and not the ones which might get you pleasure. This makes your life conservative at some point; where you lack fun and joy.

Relation with a Virgoan:
You are a loyal person; dedicated to your love. A responsible one in the team. Your partner is often reliable on you with all their heart. You take enough time to be completely in relationship. Before getting into it, you wait and analyse what would it like to be in a partnership with other, would it be okay to have someone as their partner and such. Even after that, you keep analysing your partner and their loyalty. If it seems okay and you get engaged with them then you bond will become strong. You are indeed an intelligent person who also tries to find someone that matches your standard. Probably, the one who will find and encourge your qualities.
Though you are romantic and love your partner unconditionally but the lack of expression of your love may break your relation or at least put you in a problematic situations.
Virgoans as Friends:
You are a great advisor. People will approach you for seeking guidance. Your different respective makes you popular. The lord Mercury here is the seeker of the truth that is why it compels you to reach out to the core of the issue of yours and/or the people seeks your advice.
You are always supportive to your friends. Along with caring for them, you even nurture them as your family. You always stand besides them if they need you. At the same time, it is not easy to have that intimate-level friendship. Remember one has to go through a lot of analysis without even knowing it.
Healthy Virgoan:
The mind. It’s known that your mind is an asset to you and that is why it is most critical part of you. The over-thinking, over-analysis and over-calculative/expecting/smartness and so on burden your mind. Sometimes, in crisis, you might not be able to find solution but develop anxiety, stress and depression. The hopelessness in you will ruin your mental state that is why you need to have a control over your mind and thoughts. You have to be gentle to it. Because, Excess of anything is bad; they say.
Apart from your nervous system, you have probable chances to hurt your intestines. This demands proper eating habits and diets.
Suggestion for a Virgoan:
Your ideas are immidiate but not visionary. Try to consider future in your solutions. Mostly, you think of the negative events and hence they happen eventually. You are bad at taking criticism. As you know already. You need to put some anlaysis into it too to fix this attitude. It happens when people comment unnecessarily bad about you, such comments can be ignored but not the calculative and important ones. Health wise, you need to take better care of your mental health and try to grab the power on your thoughts. In relationship, try to show tenderness and affection through your words and actions.
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